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Faces of Dublin

Artist Statement

Growing up, I was always that kid that asked a million questions. I wanted to know everything about everything. Sometimes that was a good thing, and other times, not so much. I became so intrigued by people. I wanted to know why they were there, what they were doing, who they were. In the end, my curiosity and love for telling people’s stories led me to become a broadcast journalist, which then led me to a two-week study abroad program in Ireland.

When I first arrived in Dublin, the people of the city really stuck out to me—maybe it was their friendly demeanor, or their slow-pace stride, or their love for the culture. I kept wanting to talk to people. I wanted to know what they were doing. What they were thinking. Where they came from. The more I became acquainted with the city, the more I felt comfortable confronting people and asking them questions. I found most people were very open to talking once you introduced yourself.

I met three friends who were forming a new metal band, I ran into two people who just matched each other on Tinder and were meeting for the first time, I chatted with a grandpa who was teaching his grandson how to play football, I talked to two best friends who were on a break from class sharing a lunch and an elderly woman who has been playing the accordion in the same alley longer then she would like to admit.

Talking to these people, I found they all were just waiting to have their stories told. People just wanted someone to talk to and others just wanted to be heard. I found that even though journalism is evolving, the love of storytelling will never go out of style. People love a good story.

It is all these small moments that I want to capture and as a journalist, I want to share them.

"Tinder Date"

Brendan Carvill, 25, from Dublin matched with Bruna Souza, 23, from Brazil last December on Tinder. They have been texting each other for a month now, but this was the first time they met face-to-face.

"The moment I heard her laugh, I fell in love."

"Love For Music"

Mary Begley, 79, from Dublin has been playing the accordion in the same alley along Grafton Street longer then she would like to admit. She doesn't beg. She doesn't sell CDs. It is just her and her instrument.

"I do it for the music."

"Getting the Band Back Together"

Jean Pierre (left), 24, met Kevin Twomey (middle), 20, and Adam Buckley (right), 23, when they were in high school and use to skate together. Coming from different backgrounds, they are currently trying to put together a metal band in Dublin.

"So what is your band name?" Twomey: (laughs) "I don't know, we are still working on that one."

"6 years"

Allison Nenis, 24, and Tish Mulholland, 24, both study education at Trinity College in Dublin. Nenis said they met the first day of class 6 years ago, and have been inseperatable ever since.

"What are you guys doing later?" (Both) "SLEEP!"

7 months:

Jess Dolan, 21, and Mike O'Donoghue, 20, have been in a long distance relationship for 7 months. O'Donoghue attends college in Northern Ireland and Dolan studies at Trinity College in Dublin.

"I don't know what I would do without her."


Dom O'Brien, 73, teaches his grandson Tom Kinselly, 8, football at Saint Stephen's Green. O'Brien said

he hasn't missed one of his grandson's games.

"He is going to grow up to become a star one day I tell you."


This is an ongoing project that I would like to continue as I travel more. I believe it is an open and universal subject that can be done anywhere. I will continually be intrigued by people and their stories. For right now, this is just a start!


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